Monday, October 22, 2012

'Twas the Week Before Halloween…

Melissa was obviously in a very good mood while writing emails today!  She just cracks me up!  (And no, I'm not biased at all!)  

'Twas the week before Halloween
And all through the state,
The citizens were stirring
And looking at their rakes.

Their yards were decorated with ghosts, and skeletons - the WORKS!

But what they DIDN'T know,
Was that there were two girls who wanted to share
a message so precious, beyond value - beyond compare!

Wow. I don't know where that was going. I just wrote that little ditty on the fly. You may think I've been working on it all week but in actuality, I just made it up. I'm sure you can't tell because of the way it's so expertly worded and rhythmically sound.


Halloween is next week. I am so CELEBRATORY lately! My goodness. I guess I've always been celebratory (like making incredibly adorable MJ-themed Christmas gifts and kitten Valentine's) but I'm just noticing it more here on the mish mish. We made ghost-shaped sugar cookies and delivered them to investigators and members this past week. The best part about Halloween is that I'm going to be Michael Jackson. Well, a toned-down-sister-missionary-dress-standard-approved version of Michael Jackson. I just bought some black sequins at Joanne's to finish the look! So pumped. This week in District Meeting we are having a Halloween party. And then Saturday night is the ward Halloween party. Then actual Halloween is next Wednesday (in case you don't have a calendar handy and were wondering). So I get to wear my costume not once or even twice but THRICE! That's good. Also I get to turn down candy but NOT turn down baked goods. Because I'm just not that strong, you know?

Let's talk about missionary work now. That would be good. We got to meet with a lot of less actives this week! And we had many wonderful meals with members where they set GREAT goals for member missionary work. I just LOVE this ward.

We had interviews with President Packard on Wednesday. That was AWESOME! He gave us a little training beforehand and then the apes (<--- sorry, for those of you who aren't cool enough to know what that means, it is a nickname for an acronomyn. The Assistants to the President are commonly called the APs. But we're so cool that even an acronymn isn't cool enough for us so we call them the apes) gave trainings while we took turns going out and being interviewed. My interview lasted like a billion years. I just love President and he (obviously) loves me and we talked about a billion different things. One was the new minimum age requirement - he said he's expecting AT LEAST 30 new sisters in the next couple transfers. WHAT??? Awesome. We also talked about marriage - he gave me some great advice! We talked about being missionaries and the importance of eternal families and he taught me from the scriptures and he asked ME for advice and it was just awesome. We talked about transfers and he told me that I'll probably finish my mission in this ward. He said I would unless he's strongly directed to move me - but HE doesn't see any reason to move me - he'll probably just have me train one of the new sisters! Cool!! His time is precious but it means so much to me that he makes time to talk to us. I just love him.

Church yesterday was the primary program. It was great! Even though there was the "one kid" there. You know, the one kid who just wants attention and sings loudly and off key so everyone will look at him and who does the opposite of the hand movements they're supposed to be doing? Yeah, well, apparently that happens church wide - not just in Utah. So we had the one kid, but other than that everyone did great. It was so fun to see. And at the end they closed by saying, in unison, "We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Can you say cute? Because I can, and I think that's the perfect adjective to use right now.

Anyway... I don't think I have any more stories! But I want you all to know that I'm doing really well. I am happy, I love being a missionary. I love the ward and I love my companion. I love Connecticut - especially in the fall (the colors popped literally overnight this past week!) My only complaint about CT is that there seriously are no street lights. It is PITCH black at night. If we're knocking on doors after dark we sometimes have to leave our headlights on so that we can see enough to get to the driveway! Crazy.

I got many letters this week and I just want to thank those who wrote me! I may not be able to give a timely response but know that EVERY letter is appreciated!!

Love today,

Sister "how cheesy would it be to name a son Boston and a daughter Madison?" Broekhuijsen

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