Monday, December 3, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like…

 ... a swamp! (It has been really really foggy here lately. I don't understand it, and it's weird to be on the freeway and unable to see more than 2 cars ahead of you!)

I had to put that part from Sister Broekhuijsen before my "intro" because it went together with the post title.   Anyway, here is the rest of our email from this week.  It's great to know that Miss Melissa is happy!  

I want you to know that I am doing well. I can feel that you pray for me (multiple times a day) and I really appreciate it. I am so happy to have you as my family because it helps when I get to testify about eternal families. I wouldn't be nearly as convincing or sincere if I didn't have a family like you! It helps that I actually want to be with you all for eternity. So thanks for being the kind of people I want to be with forever. What a great compliment.

This past week was good! We got to work really hard, but in a different way than the week before, because we only shovelled sand for 2 hours. The whole week! That was not enough, I tell you. But it was good to get to have lessons, too. Of our many member lessons this week, more than half were with less active people. Isn't that wonderful?

Church was GREAT yesterday. I fasted for an outpouring of the Spirit. I want to be more led in everything. And even though I know that being led doesn't mean getting step-by-step instructions about everything, I would sure appreciate that specific guidance so I don't think it hurts to ask. :) During Fast and Testimony meeting and during Relief Society, there were a lot of references made to us as the Sisters. One sweet young woman that we've met with a couple times bore her testimony about how we challenged her to pray more sincerely, and how that really changed her life. At the end she testified that the missionaries really can help us, and that when we pray more, we're happier! YES! I know that outward expressions of appreciation are not what we strive for. And I know that I'm doing what God wants me to do even when we DON'T get verbal praise like we did yesterday, but it just feels GOOD to be reminded that we are affecting people for the better, you know? I needed that yesterday, so I was grateful to feel appreciated by the ward.

Our latest edition of Sister Vicente Says the Darndest Things is here! In order to fully appreciate this one, you must understand two things: 1) We have a running joke about our fake (kind of?) crush on David Archuletta, and 2) we've been listening to his Christmas CD a LOT lately. Okay so one night when we got back into our car after a lesson, it was freezing. We turned on the heater full blast but it was taking a long time to warm up, so Sister Vicente pushed play on the CD player and said, "David! YOU can make us warm!" hahaha. It was so funny. I'm always laughing with this one, I tell you!

We had a funeral in our ward this week, on Tuesday. That was sad. The man who passed away was older (but not THAT old) and he would attend Gospel Principles so I got to know him a bit and he was always very smiley and jokey. He was the only member of the Church in his family, so it was a very interesting experience to be at the funeral (which was held in our chapel). His family was relatively small but they were very appreciative of our hospitality. After the service and funeral procession down to the cemetery in Bridgeport, they came back and had a luncheon that we put on. It snowed big, fat, wet snowchunks that day and everyone was pretty cold and moist and kept asking where the coffee was. haha. But they were gracious and it was a good opportunity to be exposed to members of this church! The Bishop got really close to the family so that was good.

Well, that's about all the news I have time to share. A little preview of what's coming up for us this week includes:

1) President Packard is coming down and having companionship study with us tomorrow morning. AWESOME. His idea! I'm excited, I love spending time with him and I'm sure we'll learn a lot from him.

2) Our Relief Society President bought a teacup pig for her husband for Christmas. Not sure whose idea that was - hers or his. But nevertheless we get to meet him tomorrow night! He sounds adorable and cuddly (the pig, not the husband). Squee!

3) Our ward Christmas party is this Friday night. I hear Santa will be making an appearance.

Love you all! Thanks for your support. I hereby bestow upon you a lovely, balanced, and fulfilling week. You're welcome.


Sister "Construction in New Haven is even worse than construction in Utah, if possible" Broekhuijsen

P.S. I have been loving my advent calendar!! So far I have learned about Dad's favorite scripture, a memory from Mom, and one of Dad's favorite General Conference quotes.

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