Monday, January 28, 2013

Last Monday Email Home

What a treat!  We got email from Melissa quite a bit earlier than usual today.  Good thing she reminded me that next week we wouldn't hear from her until Wednesday.  Although I was VERY aware that she'll be coming home then, it had not occurred to me that it would be transfer week!  Silly me.  Anyway, here's her last Monday email!

It is super super weird to have included Andrew in the "to" field when I know that it's likely he won't read this until he's in UTAH! I'm so happy to hear that he's not feeling too sad about going home. I've said it before but the biggest feeling I have is just "this is so weird!!" haha. I think it hasn't really hit me what is happening. This is my last real pday, the next one I'll have to spend packing all day. Nutso. 
So I had a wonderful week, again. There were some lows, but OH did the highs make up for them. First I'll calm everyone's fears by saying that I was not sick last week. I was actually almost all the way better last Tuesday when we wrote. I still have a lot of congestion and I cough a bit, but it doesn't hurt at all and I'm still able to be up at 6:30 and go go go all day. So I'm not complaining even a teents. 
Let's talk about the reasons this was such a good week.  
1) I am a missionary and I love being a missionary!  
2) We had a great district meeting and afterward went to the oldest pizza place in the country with Snoop Dogg's cousin. (Still feels just as cool as day one.)  This time he also took us to a famous italian pastry shop next door! Cool.
3) We had GREAT lessons with members! Even though some teens and pre-teen boys are immature and dumb and ask questions in the middle of the lesson like, "When is this going to be over?" I still like teaching people about missionary work. 
4) I am healthy! And I bought red skinny jeans and I love them! And the ward loves us and we have every lunch and dinner booked until I go home! 
5) I am going to Yale's Peabody museum after this! With my companion (duh) and three Elders from the district. SOSO fun! I've wanted to go to this one ever since I first got here and saw the GIANT DINOSAUR OUTSIDE! Yes, you KNOW I'm all up on that. 
6) I am comforted by the fact that I have so many good things to look forward to when I get home. It makes it easier to face the prospect of leaving this work and lifestyle that I love so much. 
7) (<--- I saved this one for number seven because it's my favorite one, and seven is one of the top three greatest prime numbers!) I got to meet and talk to the mortal who has had the single greatest influence on my whole mission here: President Clayton M. Christensen himself!! I was totally starstruck. So here's the story.  
We found out last week that he and his wife were coming to the New Haven YSA branch and I was super jealous (because I love him, and he's not coming to Madison until June 23rd). The Zone Leaders liked to rub it in my face and text things like, "Not to make you jealous or anything, but our boy CC is coming to the branch. We're probably going to have to spend a lot of one-on-one time with him. No big deal." ARGH!   They knew exactly what they were doing!!  :)  But then Saturday night a big ol' wind of prosperity blew right in my face and they sent a text that asked something about reporting and then said, "Also, if you really, really want to hear the man himself tomorrow, the YSA ward starts at 1:00. I'm sure no one will mind.  (Bringing investigators would be a plus but is not required.)" WAHOOO!!! So we asked J* for a ride (she was already planning on going) and she graciously accepted. That meant that we didn't have to use the Lord's miles to go! Bonus! 
So, we went. He spoke in Sacrament Meeting (it was awesome) then we went to Sunday School, then he taught combined Priesthood/RS for 3rd hour. People. It was the BEST. I was crying like an Italian who lost his favorite meatball. Wow, that is very specific. Anyway, I was overwhelmed by the Spirit to the gushing out of many tears. 
I wasn't going to talk to him afterward because I was too scared. Not scared, but I just had so much I wanted to tell him so I was always planning on writing a big fat thank you letter when I got home. But Sister H* (another member from Madison who came to hear CC (she's the one we spent Christmas morning with)) encouraged me to go talk to him (since I knew it was the last time I'd see him on my mission, and possibly, (though hopefully not) ever) so I did! He was a Popular Peter (because he's a Charismatic Clay! hahaha pun) so there was a line but it was great. J* talked to him first and then introduced me as "your biggest fan" (EMBARRASSING! But entirely true!!). I told him that I wanted to tell him something, and that I know he didn't need to hear this, because he's so humble, but that I felt prompted to say it anyway. Then I told him, "I'm going home next week, and J* is my first investigator I've seen baptized in my ward. So I know I wasn't called here to baptize a bunch of people, but the Spirit has told me multiple times that one of the main reasons I was called here was to learn from you." I didn't mean it in a sucking-up way at ALL, so I didn't feel uncomfortable saying it. I was choking up and could barely get the words out, but I did it. Do you know what he said to me? I shall tell you.  Said he, "It's a great church, isn't it? I feel so lucky to be a part of it." AHHHH You're so humble! You're making me love you even mooooooooooore!! 
I told him about how I was in the Cambridge Stake for the early days of the "digital mission" pilot program and I bore my testimony of how I saw it change people. He got a little misty-eyed and said, "Oh Sister, you just made my MONTH!" ahhh! I'm unworthy, I'm unworthy. Then a few other people came up and were talking but before I left he cut someone off and pulled out his wallet and handed me a business card and said, "Thank you so much for your service. If I can ever be of help to you in the future, I hope you'll let me know." Then he took my hand in his and said, "God bless you, Sister." 
I don't tell this story to brag. Obviously he gives out hundreds of business cards a week. But it just meant so much to me. One of the main things that I've found comforting as I've been considering my mission is that I know I wasn't perfect, but at least I know that I've learned how to be a member missionary - and that is largely because of HIM! It was so easy to come up with an entry for my "How have you seen the Lord's hand in your life today?" journal because this was one of the most memorable experiences of my mission. I feel so lucky. 
Alright let's talk about upcoming events this week. Thursday night I get to spend the night at Sister Edwards' apartment in Waterford Connecticut because early in the morning they're driving us up to Boston for our giant SISTERS' CONFERENCE!!!! All day Friday. Wahoo! Then Saturday night is the musical fireside that Sister Jordan and I started planning back in like, August. It's finally happening, and President insisted that the first performance be before I go home so I could be a part of it. I'm singing "Oh Divine Redeemer" so that should be very exciting. I'm really looking forward to this week!  
I'm out of time (Peabody's calling!) but I love you all. I'm happy to be here for the time I have left. 
Sister "Why do all of the Christensen's sons have to be married already??" Broekhuijsen

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