Monday, July 23, 2012

I Have Stories

Melissa's email came in this afternoon around 2:48 - which is 4:48 Boston time, which is just a few minutes before P-Day is over for her.  So, not surprisingly, it was kind of a "rush job" email and she didn't get to tell us everything she wanted to.  You will see from reading the post below that there was stuff she didn't get to!  Still, she sounded happy - and that, of course, makes us happy!

I am so glad to hear that you had a fun, safe, and wet family reunion. I was surprisingly not mopey while you were gone, even though I knew how much fun you were having. That is called, a blessing from God because it would have been really easy to be depressed and whiney about what I was missing out on. But I wasn't! So yay for that.

We got to meet some investigators this week! We have 3 with baptismal dates, and so far we've only met 1 of them. But she is really cool! Her name is J* and her grandparents are members of the Church. She moved in with them after graduating from high school in June, and has been coming to church since then and wants to get baptized! It's scheduled for this Sunday. Ha. But we have a hard time meeting with her just for scheduling reasons so we're not sure if she'll have learned everything by then. Let's get some prayers going that that will all work out, please. She is really, really sweet and says she likes Sister Jordan and I a lot. The other investigator we met with is P*. He is from Nepal and is living with a family in the ward who is also from Nepal. He is SO nice! He's a software developer (woot woot) and he has been in the States for 6 years. He went to school and now is working. He has been living with the G*s for about 3 months, and really sincerely just wants to learn more about Christianity. He is very open and I love him. It will be so fun to work with him.

I'm running out of time, but I want to tell some stories!

1) Interviews with the President. We got interviewed last Tuesday. President Packard is just so nice. Before interviews he gave a presentation on what he wants our focus to be. And guess what? The focus is: working with members! yay! Those 9 months that I spent in the singles wards will be helpful HERE, too! Because that's basically all I ever did! Anyway that is his big push. Sister Jordan and I were both so excited to do that because we've both felt strongly that that is key. President Packard even told us that when Elder Perry was here for Boston Youth Conference last Saturday, he pulled President Packard aside and looked him in the eyes and said, "You won't have the kind of success you need to have until your members learn their role in missionary work." So we're not ignoring that advice! We are definitely going to work on that. It's very exciting. In my actual interview, he told me that he wants Sister Jordan and I to put together a musical fireside. And that he wants us to prepare some numbers so we can have a little "Roadshow" which means that we would travel with him to the different stakes in the mission and perform at Stake Conferences, Zone Conferences, etc. So it's very exciting and cool that he trusts us and wants to use us! That leads me into my second story! (At first i typed, "storie." oh no.)

2) Friday night, we got a call from President Packard. Let me just tell you, that is always nerve-wracking. but it was good. Interfaith fireside

3) MDB


SHOOT. I'm out of time. I'm hoping I'll have time to get on here and finish, but probably not. Anyway just know that I love you! I have stories. I'm doing well. I want to share from my BOM reading. I don't have time for any of that but I'll send this now so you can at least have something.

Love you,

Sister Broekhuijsen

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